Use Bluetooth Proximity To Lock And Unlock Computer

Assuming that you are on a Windows based machine, you can always lock your system by pressing Window+L keys. But what if you need to lock your computer from some distance? Well, just use Bluetooth Proximity Lock.

Delete Useless DLL Files To Speed Up Computer

If you are on any Windows Operating System (Windows XP, Vista or 7) then you can speed up your computer to a considerable extent using this tip – Just delete duplicate and orphaned DLL files.

First Animated Doodle From Google

Google changes its logo from time to time depending upon the current events, and these logos are called Google doodles. But this is the first time that Google has used an animated doodle. I captured the video of doodle to store it forever.

All About Windows God Mode

As a normal human being you have to work hard and handle a lot of things to survive and lead a decent life. But what if you got some super powers? Well, you can get a few super powers, at least in virtual world. You can be a GOD of your machine by activating the God Mode in Windows.