Which Version of Silverlight is Installed on My Computer?

Anil Asks,

How can I determine the version of Silverlight is installed on my computer?

Anil, you probably already know that Silverlight is Microsoft’s answer to flash. If you don’t have Silverlight installed on you computer, or if you have its older version installed, you’ll have problem in using Websites that implement this technology.

Your question is one of the most frequently asked question. Its actually very easy to find out the version of Silverlight installed on your computer. Just go the Silverlight version finder page. You’ll instantly see the full version number of Silverlight installed on your machine. If Silverlight is not installed on your computer, then it will display the version number as 0.0.00000.0.

You can also visit the official page of Silverlight to check the version. They’ll ask you to install Silverlight is you don’t have it. If you do have Silverlight, then they will show you its current version instantly. If you have an older version of Silverlight, then you can upgrade from the official page immediately.

Anil, it seems like you are interested in Silverlight. Here’s a freebie for you. Grab the free Microsoft Silverlight Wallpaper from this page for free! The download page will ask you to register. If you want to receive periodic updates about Silverlight, then just register, otherwise select the ‘do not want to register’ option and download the Wallpaper immediately.

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