Do you know that you can zoom in and zoom out web pages in Firefox and Internet Explorer without using any third part application.
You may want to zoom in or zoom out on a specific web page if the the font used on that page is really small or big respectively. Using zoom is just a keyboard shortcut away.
Zoom In in Firefox and Internet Explorer: To zoom into any web page, that is, to make the web page bigger, simply press Ctrl and + keys together. You can also move the mouse wheel up while pressing Ctrl key to zoom in.
Zoom Out in Firefox and Internet Explorer: To zoom out on any web page, that is, to make the web page smaller, simply press Ctrl and – keys together. You can also move the mouse wheel down while pressing Ctrl key to zoom out.
Reset Zoom Settings For a Website: Note that once you set the zoom level for a specific web page, it will be applied for all the pages on the same domain. If you have changed the zoom level for any website and you want to get its default view back, then press Ctrl and 0 together.
Thanks for zooming information in firefox. Its simple but very effective thing to know.I am following your blog for some time and i have read some interesting things on this blog.