Facebook Account Temporarily Unavailable – Problem and Solution

Are you worried that you can’t access your Facebook profile and seeing an error like,

Facebook Account Temporarily Unavailable

Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience

Account temporarily unavailable

Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.

Sorry, this profile is not available at the moment. Please try again shortly.

If your Facebook account is not available and you are seeing any of the above messages when you open Facebook, than there is nothing to worry.

As the messages say, your Facebook account is temporarily unavailable because either Facebook is doing some site maintenance, or it is facing bandwidth issues. In any case, your Facebook profile should be up and running within an hour or less.

If you can’t access your Facebook profile even after an hour, then ask around to your local friends if they can open their Facebook accounts. If they can’t then probably its a bigger site maintenance task, so try again after some time.

However, if all your local friends can open their Facebook profile and only you are seeing the Facebook Account Temporarily Unavailable message, then try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies to fix the issue.

If your Facebook profile is still unavailable after many days, then send an email to info@facebook.com, appeals@facebook.com or disabled@facebook.com and explain them the issue. Once you send them an email, your account will be available again soon.

22 thoughts on “Facebook Account Temporarily Unavailable – Problem and Solution”

  1. Thank you very much. I had this message for days, but after taking your advice, my account came back within hours. I was pleasantly surprised.

    Thanks again :)

  2. Account temporarily unavailable. Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes. That is what it said to me after i refreshed my game. then i clicked TRY AGAIN and it didnt do it. i also tryed to talk to my friends and it said UNAVAILABLE TO SAVE YOUR CHAT. Then i tryed to logg off and it didnt let me. So what should i do about this situation?

  3. i have to go through a “checkpoint” and reset my password … after i input a new password and click submit the page loads and then i get a facebook error. But my password has been changed but when i try log back into my account i have to do the checkpoint again… and it keeps doing the same thing over and over again…

    any help please?

  4. I continue to get the acct temp unavail for maint and should be able to access in a few hours and it’s been a few days. So what is the fix? Tried deleting cooks, caches, still getting error.

  5. mine has this message:
    “Account Temporarily Unavailable
    Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.” It has been like that for a month…. I emailed all three addresses and never got a reply.

  6. My its been HOURS since my Facebook has not been functioning, it wont let me log out, i tried to reset my password it still wont work. Not even my friends can see my page but they can log into their own accounts. I can’t go to help, I can’t do ANYTHING.

  7. I have been having the second message you posted of “to a sight issue” for nearly 24 hours now, and it still doesnt come back on! When will fb know not to do stuff with fb, i guess we all like it how it is right? Please, i hope my fb gets back on quickly. 24 hr is too long!

  8. Not only did I receive one of the above messages and have not been able to get in the last couple of days, my friends cannot see my profile. I’ve cleared my cache and although I don’t receive the error message anymore, I still cannot log in. Please help.

  9. Account Temporarily Unavailable

    Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.

  10. Hi…My facebook account is Currently Unavailable..I tried to log out but it doesn’t do anything..It stays there…What should I do?

  11. Any advice for account via iPhone? It’s been giving me these messages all day. Just want to be sure if I need to do something different since I don’t have regular computer access.

  12. i can’t do anything on my facebook it said Account Temporarily Unavailable

    Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.

  13. this error:-Incorrect phone/password combination. Please verify that your phone number is confirmed with Facebook. If you have not confirmed your account, click here. You can also use your email to log in. Alternatively, we can send you a message with a link you can use to easily log in. This did not solve my problem.

  14. I e-mailed and got an auto-reply with links to click on. But the account has be be accessible for the links to work! My account has been unavailable for 15 hours. Tried it on 3 computers so it’s not a cookie problem. Do they have a phone number?

  15. When I try to post anywhere on facebook a box pops up saying “account temporarily unavailable”

    Under that is says ‘please login to facebook from a computer and follow the instructions given’.

    I have done this several times to no avail.

    I can see my account and contents, people can post and send me messages, but if I try to post or reply I get the same message box.

    This has been happening for days since I switched to timeline.

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