If you want to learn how to ‘design’ awesome slides, then here is a presentation for you. This presentation teaches you everything you need to design great looking slides, starting from choosing right color schemes, fonts and contrast to using crap (contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity) in your slides. It also discusses effective use of videos in slides and explains why you should not worry about people stealing your ideas and encourages you to share the ones you have.
According to the slideshow’s creator Jesse,
This presentation isn’t about public speaking skills, it’s about designing great looking slides that will knock the socks off your audience and most importantly move and inspire people to action.
One great tip that I got from this presentation is that you should never give out the print out of your slides before the talk. This will keep people’s interest as they won’t know in advance what you’ll be talking about. You can tell people that if they need this presentation, they can just give you their email address or business card and you will send them a copy later. Also, printing less copies saves trees!