How to Start a Technology Review Site

When you are in the buying process of new tech equipment, you sometimes come into doubts on which product you should buy. Often, we turn to other consumers or experts review that will help us in our decision-making process. If you are passionate about a certain product and have a lot of knowledge to offer, then you might as well share it and create reviews. Here is how you can start your new tech-review site.

Find Your Niche

Before you start making reviews you should find out what you want to write about. Even though it might be successful and earn a little bit of money, the most important thing is that it should be fun. If you enjoy the subject that you are writing about it will shine through and your readers’ experience will improve. Whether you like gaming keyboards or apps that make everyday life easier, this should be your focal point. It also might be useful to check out who your competitors are. This will help you figure out how to stand out from the pack.

Create and Buy a Domain

If you want to make sure that people read your posts, you need to create a strong brand. Having a short and catchy name will improve your reader fan-base. If it is easy to remember, it is easier to find the way back to the site. If you are having a hard time trying to figure out a good name for your technology site, you can get some help right here: Domainify can help you with everything from name to logos.

Set Up Your Website

When you find your domain name you need to create a website. This can be done by using a template or if you are good with coding, you can build it to yourself. Make sure that it stands out. When building a website, it is good to use light colors as it makes it easier on the eyes and gives a better impression. Make an introduction to your review-site at the front page that clearly states the purpose and tells a little bit about yourself.

Create Your First Review

Now that you have set-up your blog you are ready to create your first post. Find out how you are going to review them. Are you going to give stars ranging from one to five or are you going to use another rating-system. You might want to review different qualities of the product with an overall score at the end. No matter how you do it, just remember to be consistent.

Create Awareness

It is fun to write about your passion, but the real goal is to have other people read it. For starters you should depend on creating organic social media awareness. Use your friends and followers on social media and ask them to share your website. When you’ve harvested as much as you can the organic way, try and make sure that you use SEO.
By using international keywords, you have a better chance of appearing in Google searches. If you want to track how many subscribers and users your site is getting you can install a Feedburner. You can learn how to keep track of numbers right here:

I hope you thought this was a top-star-worthy guide. Good luck on your new venture.

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