Best Solutions For Most Common Mac Problems

There is no doubt that Macs are valued as great technologically advanced computers in the whole world. Macs are appreciated by many – the people who create music, the people who use Macs for graphic design, the people who enjoy Macs for quality entertainment reasons, and so much more.

On the other hand, an electronic device is still an electronic device. It can break, become affected by time, and experience technical issues. Macs are no different – it is surely a product of high-quality but it also experiences some difficulties that might be a result of many different factors.

Therefore if you are experiencing some problems with your Mac or you just recently purchased a new Mac, we invite you to follow these steps below and learn how to solve the most common problems that can happen to Macs.

Deleting Files From Your Trash Bin Accidentally

This probably has happened to all of us at least once in a lifetime – when we delete something important and accidentally decide to clear the Trash Bin as well. And suddenly, you get that sinking feeling – you deleted something important, for example, your thesis, and you can’t get it back. Terrible, right? But do not worry – it is a very common problem and there is a solution to it.

Of course, if you just deleted the files from your Mac and haven’t emptied the Trash Bin itself, you can easily open it and drag the files that you need on the Desktop or right-click the items and choose the option to Put Back.

But if you have gotten yourself in bigger trouble, like emptying your Macs’ Trash Bin, then you will need to look for specialized software that can recover deleted files from Mac – this is your only hope to get your precious files back.

Battery Problems

It is normal that with time your Mac’s battery might hold for a lesser time than it used to. It is a common thing that happens to all devices over time. But on the other hand, if you suddenly notice that recently your Mac’s battery started to drain way faster than it always used to, then you might have a problem.

The first thing you should do when experiencing an issue like this is to reset your Power Management and reboot your Mac.

You should also try resetting the SMC – this might help you solve battery and power issues you have been experiencing lately. To perform this action, turn off your Mac. Click the Power button and press Shift + Control + Option combination. To boot your Mac, release all the buttons.

Disappearing Emails And Folders

If you experience an issue of constantly disappearing files, you should be concerned about the safety of your Mac and choose a good antivirus for your computer. Although, it could be another factor that could be causing this. It might happen after upgrading your macOS to a newer version.

The best way to solve a situation like this is trying to prevent it by creating as many backup files as possible and doing it regularly. If you mean to do so but always forget, try setting yourself a reminder now and then. After some time, you should create a habit and start doing it naturally, without any reminders.

For backup, you can use the Time Machine or turn on your iCloud. You could even try out cloud-based platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox or even invest in an external hard-drive. This one is worth investing in if you do not have a constant internet connection which you would need to access your files from the cloud-based platform.

Operating System Performance Issues

Some performance issues, like slower performance, can be solved pretty easily. It usually always is caused by low disc space or too many apps running in the background. So firstly, you should clean your Mac – delete unused files, unnecessary apps, even clean your Desktop. You need to clean your Desktop because it uses your Mac’s resources to load each thumbnail, so the less you have, the better.

You should also always check your startup items – maybe you have too many apps starting up with your Mac and running in the background. Also, remember to always empty your Trash Bin – you can even choose an option that automatically deletes all files from your Trash Bin after 30 days. It is also always smart to delete system, user, and browser cache from time to time and of course, having a proper antivirus for your Mac.

If these solutions do not solve the performance issues that you have experienced, then what you should do is restore your macOS. You can either install a new version of macOS or reinstall the current one. To reinstall, you should follow these instructions:

Press Command+R at the same time to restart your Mac.
When you see the Apple logo, you can release the buttons.
Go to the macOS Utility folder and select Disk Utility, then click Continue.
Click on Startup Volume and choose to Unmount.
After the unmounting is finished, click Erase.
Exit the Disk Utility, select Reinstall macOS, and choose to Continue.

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