A Complete Guide On How To Advertise On Facebook

If you run a business, the best way to get more customers is by advertising your products or services. What better way than on Facebook? With 1.9 billion monthly active users and a very engaged audience, it’s an ideal platform for businesses to use when promoting themselves through ads. This guide will be your one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about advertising on Facebook.

From determining an objective, creating the right ads, optimizing your campaigns, and more! If you have a business that needs customers or traffic, you might consider using a facebook ads management service or if you just wants to start running ads yourself, then this is the article for you.

Determine your objectives

Before you can even create your first ad, it is vital to know its objective. There are multiple objectives you can use for Facebook ads. The following list shows the different objectives you can choose from:

– awareness
– traffic
– conversions (your site)
– app installs
– engagement

Having an objective for your Facebook ads is important because you can’t reach the objective if you don’t know it. You can determine your desired objective by asking yourself what result you want to achieve with your ad. Choose one of the objectives and go for that to grow and boost your business, and grow revenue (and sales).

Once you have chosen your desired objective, there are multiple ways to reach it. The most used and known way is by promoting a Facebook page, app, or event. For this, an image/video of the item you want people to notice is made and uploaded or linked on the post.

Create the right ads

For maximum effect, you have to create the right ads. That starts with designing the images that are going to be displayed on Facebook. When creating your images, you should keep in mind that text doesn’t show well on FB.

The words “instant”, “easy” and “new” always work well for advertising offers for free services or software. Another trick is to use “free”, “you” and “win”. Those are the three most used keywords in Facebook ads by marketers, so using them will ensure that at least some of your ads get seen.

After creating the images, you need to think of a good headline for your ad. Use simple words right below the image and introduce the product quickly and clearly: You can say “Learn how to grow your business with Facebook ads,” such headlines works so well. Keep in mind that you can use up to 25 characters, so don’t be stingy when choosing words that grab attention. Also, adding an offer or a call to action is always advisable in Facebook ads.

Head over to Facebook Ads Manager to get started

After you have logged in, you will be greeted by a panel that essentially talks about what Facebook can offer to help grow your business. In case you want to claim your free guide on Facebook marketing, check this link.

You will be prompted with the option of choosing the type of advertising objective for which you need help, select “Send people to my website.”

Note that this is the most common type of campaign you would want to set up for your business. After choosing “Website” as your ad objective, you will be asked which page do you want your ad to send traffic to. This should be the Facebook page where people can learn more about you.

Next, you will be asked to enter the URL of the page that you would like your ad to send traffic to. After entering the website address, click on “Launch Website Ad.” This will take you to an option where you can write a message for people who are seeing your ad.

Optimize your campaign

After creating an account on Ads Manager which allows advertisers to create, monitor, edit or delete ad campaigns. Then you can run a Facebook ad campaign. However, here are some steps you need to take before actually creating it.

Firstly, you need to upload your advertisement. You can either create one from scratch by clicking on ‘Create an Ad’ or copy and edit an existing one on Facebook Business Manager. If you are looking for new customers, choose the Page Post link option (Page Likes ads), which will be used to drive awareness of your business’s presence on Facebook. If you are looking for engagement and conversions, choose the ‘Website Conversions’ option (Clicks to Website), which directs users to your website. Make sure it’s relevant and creative so that the users will click on it.

Secondly, select your target audience. There are various possibilities such as location, demographics, or interests but don’t go into extensive details with selecting them. Remember that the more specific your target, the higher the price you need to pay and most likely will receive a lower reach.

Thirdly, set your budget and timing. Because Facebook ads appear in News Feeds on Facebook desktop and mobile devices, clicking ‘X Days’ just means that it will run for this many days starting in the future, not days in total.

When you are ready with your advertisement, select a Facebook page to link it with and make sure that you can track conversions if you have a business page. Then click ‘Place Order’ which will start your campaign.

The best way to get started is by making small adjustments during the campaign’s run, rather than waiting to be absolutely finished with it. That is the way to measure the progress of your campaign.

Metrics to watch

There are some basic metrics you can track directly in Ads Manager which include clicks on advertisements, reach, frequency, the average cost per click (CPC), etc. but if you want to have a more detailed insight, Facebook offers a range of tools and metrics you can use. Here are some helpful statistics to look at when defining how well an ad is performing:

Click-Through Rate: this is the percentage of people who saw your ad and clicked on it. You can use a click-through rate to see how well your ads are performing. If you notice that the CTR for your ads is lower than usual, don’t be alarmed. You can adjust your ad copy or targeting to improve performance the next time you set up your campaign.

Conversion Rate: this is the percentage of people who saw your ad, clicked on it, and went on to take a specific action on Facebook. For example, if some clicks on your ad but doesn’t go on to like your page, you’ll still be able to see the CTR, but also the conversion rate. This is helpful if you want to know how many people are taking an action after coming into contact with your ad.

CPM: stands for cost per mille (mille = thousand in Latin), which means that for every 1,000 impressions of your ad, how much it cost you.

Estimated Total Conversions: this is the total number of conversions you can expect to see from people who saw your ad and clicked on it. This tells you how many times a person has taken action after coming into contact with your advertisement.

As we all know, Facebook is one of the best ways to advertise your products and services. The good thing about using Facebook ads is that you can reach out to more customers for less money than on other advertising platforms.

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