Every time you go online, you take a risk. This is because the Internet is not 100% secure; there are people out there who want to steal your personal information or use your computer to send spam emails and distribute illegal content.
Since 2019, there have been more than 40 major internet security breaches, where hackers leaked personal information along with emails of people who had used the applications. So even though you trust the companies that run these services, your data is only as safe as their defense mechanisms.
If you want to stay safe on the Internet and avoid having strangers access your computer or phone without your permission, here are ten ways to protect yourself.
Tip #1: Don’t Reveal Too Much About Yourself
When talking with other users on an instant messaging service, social media site, or through email, don’t give out any personal details that others might use against you (such as your real name or home address).
Tip #2: Use Strong Passwords
The longer and harder-to-guess your password is, the harder it will be for someone else to crack it – so aim for at least twelve characters long with special characters, numbers, and capital letters.
Tip #3: Be Cautious About What You Download
Many applications and software packages, such as file/image editors and PDF programs, come with “plug-ins” that you need to download in order to use them. Be careful when downloading these add-ons because these files can contain viruses that will allow hackers to access your computer.
Tip #4: Only Visit Sites You Know are Secure
When you visit a website with an HTTPS prefix (usually indicated by a small green padlock symbol), this means the site uses secure servers, so it’s safe to submit personal information there. However, if you don’t see the lock symbol, do not type anything private into the website or download any files from it since this could compromise your identity.
Tip #5: Only Downloaded Files From Trusted Sources
When you download a file from the Internet, make sure it’s from a trusted source. For example, if you’re using peer-to-peer programs such as BitTorrent to share files with others, only download them from other people on the program with high numbers of seeders or leechers (people who are also downloading that specific file).
Many websites like Mediafire and Megaupload host legal content, but hackers can also use them to distribute viruses under many different names (such as “.exe” or “video codec”). So be very careful about what you click on when you come across these sites – keep your antivirus program updated in case any viruses try to infect your computer.
Tip #6: Make Use Of Free Antivirus/Anti-Spyware Software
These types of programs are usually provided with the operating system, so you don’t have to download them yourself. However, if your computer does not have them already, it’s best to install them immediately because malware can be installed on your machine without your knowledge and cause serious harm.
Tip #7: Don’t Open Emails from People You Don’t Know
People can create emails that look like they’re from an acquaintance who has written the email address wrong or sent it by mistake – but in fact, hackers are just doing this as a way to get information about you for their own use.
If you receive an email with unexpected attachments, make sure to scan them with antivirus software before opening them up.
Tip #8: Don’t Click on Links in Comments
The comments section on various sites can be used to spread viruses – so don’t click any links posted there, even if the link appears to link back to a legitimate website.
Tip #9: Use a VPN
Virtual private networks (VPNs) create a more secure connection to the Internet by encrypting the data you’re sending over your network. Of course, hackers can still access parts of your computer that are not encrypted, but this is better than having all of your data accessible through an unsecured WiFi hotspot or compromised router.
Tip #10: Avoid Public WiFi Hotspots
Public WiFi networks can be accessed by anyone nearby with a computer, tablet, or smartphone – and these devices may be able to sniff the data you’re sending over your connection. So avoid using public hotspots or accessing any private information through them (such as credit card information) whenever possible.
Bonus Tip: Check Your Digital Footprint
Many people forget to check their online presence, so hackers have a lot of information about you readily available. Therefore, it would be wise to run an accurate background check on yourself, make sure to change passwords regularly, and clean up profiles on social media websites since this will help prevent others from getting your private information.
When you are looking for a background check service, it is important to choose a reliable service with a good reputation to protect your data. You can research some reviews on the top-rated background check services, like Truthfinder or Instant Checkmate review to learn about the features and benefits of these services and to be sure that you can trust them.
There you have it! Ten ways to stay safe from hackers and potential identity theft. It’s essential to keep yourself updated on the latest safety practices to prevent malicious individuals from stealing your personal information. While it may be overwhelming at first, these tips should help ease your stress a little bit as long as you regularly review them for updates – which you should do periodically anyway!