Codeblocks IDE or Code::Blocks IDE is a cross platform, open source IDE. This IDE has all the great development tools and features you will ever need. Here’s a small tutorial explaining how to install it in Fedora linux using YUM / Repository.
Install Codeblocks IDE (Code::Blocks) in Fedora Linux
Code::Blocks IDE can be easily installed on Fedora linux using a third party repository. Currently the repositary have packages available for Fedora 12, Fedora 13 and Fedora 14. To install this 3rd party Code::Blocks IDE repository, use these commands,
For Fedora 12
su -c ‘rpm -Uvh’
For Fedora 13
su -c ‘rpm -Uvh’
For Fedora 14
su -c ‘rpm -Uvh’
After installing the repository, use the following command to install the Code::Blocks IDE,
su -c ‘yum install codeblocks’
That’s it. Happy coding on Linux!